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SEO Strategy

SEO Strategy

SEO Strategy

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I create engaging SEO optermised content

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Resarch is the start of your journey

Link Building

Link Building

Let me find the perfect link partners for your website



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What is SEO?

What is SEO?

Simple question – long answer as it is a full time job


Would I need an SEO strategy for my business?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential for your business for several crucial reasons:

Improved Visibility

SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When your website appears at the top of search results, it’s more likely to be seen by users searching for products or services related to your business. Increased visibility can lead to more website traffic.

Increased Traffic

SEO is a proven way to drive organic traffic to your website. Organic traffic, which comes from unpaid search results, tends to be highly relevant because users are actively seeking information or solutions related to your business. This traffic can result in more leads and sales.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to many other forms of digital marketing, SEO can be cost-effective in the long run. Once your website is optimised and ranking well, the ongoing maintenance and improvement costs are relatively low. This is especially beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses.

Credibility and Trust

Websites that rank high in search results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users. Being on the first page of Google, for example, can give potential customers confidence in your brand.

Competitive Advantage

Your competitors are likely investing in SEO. By neglecting SEO, you risk falling behind in the digital landscape. To remain competitive, you need to optimise your online presence to attract and retain customers.

Targeted Audience

SEO allows you to reach a highly targeted audience. You can optimise your content for specific keywords and demographics, ensuring that you’re reaching the people most likely to convert into customers.

Analytics and Data

SEO tools and analytics provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts. This data can inform your broader marketing strategies.

Mobile Optimisation

With the increasing use of mobile devices for search, SEO helps ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, providing a better user experience and potentially improving your local search rankings.

Global Reach

If your business has a global reach, SEO can help you expand your online presence to reach international markets, creating opportunities for growth and expansion.

Adaptation to Changing Algorithms

Search engines frequently update their algorithms. SEO professionals stay current with these changes and adjust strategies accordingly. Without SEO, your website could become outdated and lose its search engine rankings.

SEO is crucial for your business because it enhances your online visibility, drives targeted traffic, improves credibility, and provides valuable data. It also ensures that you remain competitive and adaptable in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Ultimately, SEO is an investment in the long-term success and growth of your business.


SEO strategy in 2023/2024

Here are the steps to create an SEO strategy in 2023/2024

Create a List of Keywords

Creating a list of SEO keywords for your website is a fundamental step in optimising your online presence. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

Understand Your Business and Audience

Start by thoroughly understanding your business, products, or services. Consider your target audience, their needs, and the problems your offerings solve. This understanding will help you identify keywords that align with your business goals.

Brainstorm Seed Keywords

Begin with seed keywords. These are general terms related to your business. For example, if you sell athletic shoes, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic footwear,” or “sports shoes.”

Utilise Keyword Research Tools

Leverage keyword research tools to expand your list. Some popular tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Keyword Explorer. Enter your seed keywords into these tools to generate additional keyword ideas.

Analyse Competitor Keywords

Study your competitors’ websites and identify the keywords they are targeting. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can help you uncover the keywords that are driving traffic to your competitors’ sites.

Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases (e.g., “women’s running shoes for flat feet”). These are valuable for attracting highly targeted traffic. Identify long-tail keywords relevant to your business.

Filter and Prioritise Keywords

Review the list of generated keywords and filter out irrelevant or overly competitive ones. Prioritise keywords based on relevance and search volume. Aim for a mix of high- and low-competition keywords.

Group Keywords by Theme

Organise your keywords into thematic groups. For instance, if you offer both running shoes and hiking boots, create separate keyword groups for each. This grouping will guide your content creation.

Consider Local SEO

If your business has a physical location, include location-based keywords (e.g., “best coffee shop in [City]”). Local SEO is crucial for brick-and-mortar businesses.

Monitor Trends and Seasonality

Be aware of trends and seasonality. Keywords can change in popularity over time, so stay updated and adjust your list accordingly.

Create Content Around Keywords

Once you have your keyword list, start creating content that incorporates these keywords. Optimise your web pages, blog posts, and other content with these keywords to improve your site’s search engine rankings.

Track and Refine

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your keywords. Monitor how they affect your site’s visibility, traffic, and conversions. Over time, refine your keyword strategy based on the data.


Lets Get Technical

Analyse Google’s First Page

Analysing Google’s first page (the top search results) is a crucial step in optimising your website’s SEO strategy. Here’s how to effectively analyse the first page of Google search results to inform your SEO efforts:

Identify the Search Intent

Start by understanding the search intent behind the keywords you’re targeting. Are users looking for information, product reviews, or transactional content? Google’s first page results will provide clues about the dominant search intent.

Examine the Featured Snippet

Look for a featured snippet at the top of the search results. Featured snippets often provide concise answers to common questions related to the search query. Identify the type of content featured and aim to create similar, but more comprehensive, content.

Analyse the Top-Ranking Pages

Examine the top-ranking pages on the first page of Google. Pay attention to the content’s format, structure, and depth. Look for common elements like bullet points, tables, or step-by-step guides that perform well in your niche.

Check the Type of Content

Are blog posts, product pages, or videos dominating the first page? The type of content that ranks highly for your target keywords can influence your content strategy. Create content that aligns with the prevailing content type.

Evaluate Word Count

Assess the word count of the top-ranking pages. Longer, in-depth content often performs well in SEO. Aim to create content that is at least as comprehensive as the top-ranking pages.

Keyword Usage

Review how the top pages incorporate keywords. Are they used naturally throughout the content, in headings, and meta tags? Ensure your content includes relevant keywords in a user-friendly way.

Assess User Experience

Check the user experience of top-ranking websites. Are they mobile-friendly, with fast loading times and easy navigation? A positive user experience can influence your site’s SEO performance.

Backlink Profile

Examine the backlink profiles of top-ranking pages. Are they receiving high-quality backlinks from reputable websites? Building a strong backlink profile is essential for SEO success. Consider outreach and link-building strategies.

Engagement Metrics

Look for engagement signals such as comments, shares, and social media activity on top-ranking pages. High engagement indicates that the content resonates with the audience. Encourage user engagement on your site.

Evaluate Rich Features

Take note of any rich features (e.g., images, videos, schema markup) that top-ranking pages include. Rich features can enhance your content and make it more appealing to users.

Read User Reviews

Analyse user reviews and comments to understand what users find valuable or lacking in the top-ranking content. Use this feedback to address user needs in your own content.

Stay Updated

SEO is dynamic, so it’s essential to continually monitor the first page of Google for changes in the rankings, content, and trends.

By thoroughly analysing the first page of Google search results, you can gain valuable insights that inform your SEO strategy, helping you create content that stands out and improves your website’s visibility in search results.


Create Something Different or Better

Creating content that is different or better than what’s already available is advantageous for SEO for several reasons:

Improved User Experience

Unique and high-quality content enhances the user experience. When users find content that offers fresh insights or a unique perspective, they are more likely to engage with it, spend more time on your site, and return for more. Positive user engagement signals, such as low bounce rates and longer dwell times, can boost your site’s SEO.

Reduced Bounce Rates

When your content provides value that is different or superior to what users find elsewhere, it reduces bounce rates. High bounce rates can negatively impact your SEO rankings because search engines interpret them as a sign that your content does not meet user expectations.

Increased Shareability

Exceptional content is more shareable. When users find content that is insightful, entertaining, or informative, they are more likely to share it with their network. Social sharing not only drives traffic but can also lead to backlinks, which are valuable for SEO.

Earning Backlinks

Creating content that stands out can earn you high-quality backlinks from other websites. Webmasters and bloggers are more inclined to link to content that is unique, authoritative, or adds value to their own content. Backlinks are a fundamental factor in SEO.

Enhanced Dwell Time

When users find your content to be the best resource on a particular topic, they tend to spend more time on your site, consuming other related content. This extended dwell time signals to search engines that your site is a valuable resource, which can positively impact your rankings.

Improved Click-Through Rates

Unique or better content often results in higher click-through rates (CTR) when it appears in search results. A compelling headline and meta description that promise different or superior content can entice users to click on your link rather than your competitors’.

Lower Competition

Content that is different or better may have less competition. Targeting long-tail keywords or niches with fewer competitors can be an effective strategy for improving your rankings and visibility.

Authority and Trust

High-quality, unique content establishes your website as an authoritative and trustworthy source of information. When search engines trust your site, they are more likely to rank it higher in search results.

Adaptation to Algorithm Updates

Search engine algorithms are continuously evolving. Unique and high-quality content is more resilient to algorithm changes, as it focuses on user value rather than manipulative tactics. This can help your content maintain its rankings over time.

In summary, creating content that is different or better than what’s already available not only provides value to your audience but also positively impacts SEO. It encourages user engagement, attracts backlinks, improves user experience, and helps your site stand out in search results, ultimately contributing to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.


Add a Hook

A webpage hook, in the context of SEO and content marketing, refers to a compelling and attention-grabbing element or strategy used on a webpage to captivate and retain the interest of visitors. A hook is designed to make users want to read further, engage with the content, and ultimately take the desired action, such as staying on the page, sharing the content, or making a purchase. A well-crafted hook is essential for SEO because it can lead to improved user engagement, longer dwell times, lower bounce rates, and more social sharing, all of which are positive signals for search engines.

Lower Bounce Rates

An effective hook draws users in and encourages them to explore your webpage further. When visitors find what they’re looking for or something intriguing right away, they are less likely to bounce (leave the page immediately after landing). Lower bounce rates are a positive signal for search engines, indicating that your content matches user intent.

Increased Dwell Time

A compelling hook can result in longer dwell times, which is the amount of time users spend on your webpage. Longer dwell times are associated with user engagement and satisfaction. Search engines interpret this as an indication that your content is valuable, relevant, and worth spending time on.

Improved Click-Through Rates (CTR)

When a webpage’s search result features a captivating hook in its title and meta description, it can lead to higher click-through rates. Users are more likely to click on your link when they see something enticing and relevant to their needs. A higher CTR can positively impact your search engine rankings.

Higher Social Sharing

Content with strong hooks is more shareable. When users find your content interesting or emotionally resonant, they are more likely to share it on social media platforms. Social sharing can increase your content’s visibility and drive more traffic to your site, which indirectly benefits SEO.

Backlinks and Referrals

Unique and engaging content often attracts backlinks from other websites. When webmasters and bloggers find your content valuable, they may link to it as a resource. Backlinks are a fundamental factor in SEO, and a well-crafted hook can encourage other websites to reference your content.

In summary, a webpage hook is a vital element for SEO because it engages users, keeps them on your site, and encourages them to take desired actions. These positive user signals can enhance your website’s search engine rankings and visibility, ultimately driving organic traffic and improving your site’s overall SEO performance.


Optimise For On-Page SEO

Optimising for on-page SEO involves making improvements to individual web pages to enhance their search engine visibility and increase their chances of ranking higher in search results. Here are steps to optimise your on-page SEO:

Keyword Research

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-search-volume keywords related to your content.
Choose primary and secondary keywords for each page. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find suitable keywords.

Title Tag

Craft an enticing and descriptive title tag that includes your primary keyword. Keep it concise (around 60 characters) to ensure it displays properly in search results.
Use power words and create a title that encourages clicks.

Meta Description

Write a compelling meta description that summarises the page’s content and includes your primary keyword.
Keep it around 150-160 characters and make it enticing to entice users to click.

Header Tags

Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content logically. The H1 tag should typically contain the main keyword and introduce the topic.
Subsequent header tags can be used to divide content into sections and subsections.

Keyword Placement:

Include your primary keyword in the first paragraph of your content. This helps search engines understand the topic of the page.
Naturally incorporate your keywords throughout the content, but avoid over-optimisation, which can result in keyword stuffing and penalties.

Content Quality

Create high-quality, informative, and valuable content that addresses user intent. Be comprehensive and authoritative on the topic.
Use images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements to enhance the user experience.

Internal Linking

Add relevant internal links to other pages on your website. This helps users navigate and discover more content.
Internal linking also spreads link equity throughout your site, improving SEO.

URL Structure

Keep your URLs clean, descriptive, and short. Include your primary keyword in the URL if possible.
Avoid using numbers, symbols, or irrelevant characters in URLs.

Image Optimisation

Compress and optimise images to reduce load times. Use descriptive file names and alt text that includes relevant keywords.
Images should enhance your content and provide value to users.

Mobile Optimisation

Ensure your page is mobile-friendly and responsive. Google prioritises mobile-first indexing, so mobile optimisation is crucial.
Test your site’s mobile usability with tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

Page Speed

Improve page load times by optimising images, enabling browser caching, and minimising unnecessary scripts and plugins.
Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and address speed issues.

Schema Markup

Implement structured data (schema markup) to provide search engines with additional information about your content.
This can lead to rich snippets in search results, improving click-through rates.

User Engagement

Encourage user engagement by using clear and concise language, bullet points, and easy-to-scan content.
Add calls to action (CTAs) to guide users to take desired actions, like sharing, subscribing, or making a purchase.

Monitor and Update

Regularly monitor your on-page SEO performance through analytics tools. Track rankings, traffic, and user behavior.
Update your content as needed to keep it relevant and accurate.

Optimising for on-page SEO is an ongoing process. By consistently following these best practices and adapting to changes in search engine algorithms and user behavior, you can improve your website’s visibility and maintain or improve its rankings in search results.


Optimise For Search Intent

Optimising a webpage for search intent is essential for ensuring that your content aligns with the expectations and needs of search engine users. Here’s how to optimise a webpage for search intent:

Understand Search Intent

Begin by thoroughly understanding the search intent behind the keywords you’re targeting. Intent generally falls into four categories: informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial investigation.
Research the search results for your target keywords to determine the most common search intent.

Keyword Selection

Choose keywords that match the search intent of your target audience. For example, if users are looking for information, select informational keywords; for transactions, choose transactional keywords.
Use keyword research tools to find intent-specific keywords.

Content Alignment

Craft your content to directly address the search intent. Ensure that the content matches the user’s query and provides the information they are seeking.

For informational intent, provide in-depth, comprehensive information. For transactional intent, make it easy for users to take action, such as making a purchase.

Use Descriptive Titles and Meta Descriptions

Write titles and meta descriptions that clearly communicate the content’s relevance to the user’s query and search intent.
Make sure the title and description are enticing and encourage clicks.

Structured Content

Structure your content based on the user’s intent. For informational queries, use headers, subheadings, and lists to organise information logically.

For transactional or navigational queries, ensure that the page is designed to facilitate the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase or finding a specific page.

CTAs and User Guidance

Incorporate clear calls to action (CTAs) that guide users to take the desired action. For transactional intent, this could be a “Buy Now” button or a contact form.

For informational intent, encourage users to explore related content, subscribe, or engage in other valuable actions.

Multimedia Elements

Use multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics to enhance your content’s engagement and appeal to users with various learning preferences.

Ensure that multimedia elements align with the content’s intent and provide value to users.

User Experience

Ensure that your webpage offers a positive user experience, including mobile-friendliness, fast loading times, and easy navigation.
Users are more likely to engage with content that is easy to access and consume.

Analyse User Behavior

Monitor user behavior through analytics tools to understand how users are interacting with your content.

Analyse metrics such as bounce rates, time on page, and click-through rates to evaluate the alignment of your content with search intent.

Test and Iterate

Continually test and refine your content based on user feedback and data. Make adjustments to improve alignment with search intent and user satisfaction.

Stay informed about changes in user behavior and search engine algorithms that may affect search intent.

Optimising for search intent is a critical aspect of SEO because it ensures that your content meets the expectations of users, leading to higher engagement, better rankings, and improved user satisfaction.


Focus on Content Design

Focusing on content design is crucial for SEO for several reasons:

User Experience

Well-designed content enhances the overall user experience. When users find content that is visually appealing, easy to read, and well-structured, they are more likely to stay on your website, engage with the content, and return for more. Positive user engagement signals, such as longer dwell times and lower bounce rates, are favorable for SEO.

Readability and Accessibility

Effective content design includes elements like clear typography, proper spacing, and a readable font size. This ensures that your content is accessible to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities. Search engines prioritise accessible and user-friendly websites.

Mobile Optimisation

Mobile optimisation is a critical aspect of content design. With the increasing use of mobile devices for web browsing, it’s essential that your content displays properly and is easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets. Mobile-friendly content is favored in search rankings, especially since Google has adopted mobile-first indexing.

Reduced Bounce Rates

Well-designed content reduces bounce rates. When users encounter content that is visually engaging and relevant to their needs, they are less likely to bounce (leave the page immediately after landing). Lower bounce rates signal to search engines that your content meets user expectations.

Structured Content

Proper content design involves using headers, subheadings, bullet points, and lists to structure your content logically. This makes it easier for users to scan and understand the information. Structured content is more likely to keep users engaged.

Multimedia Elements

Effective content design incorporates multimedia elements such as images, videos, infographics, and charts to enhance the content’s appeal and provide additional value to users. These elements can break up text and make the content more engaging.

Brand Consistency

Consistent content design across your website reinforces your brand identity. A cohesive and professional design helps build trust with users and keeps them engaged with your brand, which can lead to better SEO performance.

Rich Snippets

Properly structured content with schema markup can lead to rich snippets in search results. Rich snippets provide additional information to users and can result in higher click-through rates (CTR), ultimately benefiting SEO.

Content Relevance

A well-designed content layout and visuals can help users quickly identify the relevance of your content to their queries. When users easily recognise that your content meets their needs, they are more likely to click on your link in search results.

Improved Sharing and Backlinks

Content that is well-designed and visually appealing is more likely to be shared on social media and referenced by other websites, leading to backlinks. Backlinks are a crucial factor in SEO, and visually appealing content can encourage this type of engagement.

In summary, focusing on content design is not only about aesthetics but also about creating content that is user-friendly, accessible, and engaging. Such content aligns with the user’s intent, keeps them on your website, and encourages them to take desired actions. Search engines reward well-designed content with better rankings and increased visibility, making it an essential aspect of your SEO strategy.


Build Links to Your Page

Building links to your webpage is an essential SEO strategy for several reasons:

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Search engines, particularly Google, consider backlinks as a key ranking factor. The more high-quality and relevant websites that link to your webpage, the more search engines perceive it as valuable and authoritative.

Increased Organic Traffic

High-quality backlinks can bring direct referral traffic to your webpage. When authoritative websites link to your content, their users may click on the link to learn more, driving additional traffic to your site.

Enhanced Trust and Credibility

Backlinks from reputable and authoritative sources act as endorsements for your content. These endorsements can significantly enhance your webpage’s trustworthiness and credibility, both in the eyes of search engines and users.

Faster Indexing

When other websites link to your content, search engine crawlers are more likely to discover and index your pages faster. This can result in your content appearing in search results sooner after publication.

Increased Exposure and Visibility

Backlinks from diverse sources expose your content to a broader audience. This increased exposure can lead to more users discovering and engaging with your content, further contributing to your SEO efforts.

Relevance and Authority

Links from websites that are topically relevant to your content reinforce your content’s authority on a particular subject or industry. These links signal to search engines that your webpage is an expert in its field.

Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR)

In search engine results, pages with backlinks from reputable sources may attract more clicks. Users often perceive pages with backlinks as more trustworthy and relevant, resulting in higher CTRs.

Natural Link Building

Acquiring backlinks naturally, through valuable, high-quality content, is a sustainable and ethical SEO practice. It avoids the risks associated with black-hat SEO techniques, such as link spamming.

Competitive Advantage

In competitive industries, strong backlink profiles can give you an edge over competitors. If your content is well-linked, it is more likely to rank higher and gain more visibility.

Social Signals

Links on social media platforms and social sharing can indirectly influence your SEO. Although social signals may not have a direct impact on rankings, the visibility and engagement they generate can lead to more natural backlinks.

Content Promotion

Link-building often involves outreach and promotion, which can help your content reach a broader audience. By connecting with influencers and authoritative sources, you can promote your content effectively.

Referral Traffic

Backlinks from relevant sources can drive significant referral traffic to your webpage. Users who click on these links are likely interested in your content, increasing the chances of conversion and engagement.

To succeed in SEO, it’s crucial to build a diverse and natural backlink profile. Focus on obtaining links from reputable sources, and avoid manipulative practices that could lead to penalties from search engines. Over time, a strong backlink profile will contribute to improved rankings, visibility, and overall SEO success.


Improve and Update Your Content

Regularly improving and updating your content is a vital component of a successful SEO strategy for several reasons:

Freshness Signals

Search engines consider the freshness of content as a ranking factor. Fresh and up-to-date content is more likely to rank well in search results, especially for topics that require current information, such as news, trends, and technology.

Relevance to User Intent

User intent and search behavior change over time. By regularly updating your content to match current user intent, you ensure that your content remains relevant to what people are searching for. This enhances your chances of ranking for relevant keywords.

Improved User Experience

Outdated or inaccurate content can frustrate users and harm your website’s reputation. By keeping your content current, you provide a better user experience, which can lead to increased engagement, longer dwell times, and lower bounce rates—all factors that positively affect SEO.

Staying Competitive

In competitive industries, keeping content fresh and informative is essential to stay competitive. Regular updates help you maintain or improve your rankings, visibility, and authority in your niche.

Addressing Changes in Your Industry

Industries and markets evolve. Regularly updating your content allows you to address changes, developments, and emerging trends. This demonstrates your authority and expertise within your field.

Building Trust and Credibility

Consistently updated and accurate content builds trust with your audience. Users are more likely to trust websites that provide reliable and current information.

Long-Tail Keyword Opportunities

Updating existing content provides opportunities to target long-tail keywords and variations of primary keywords that you may have missed initially. This expands your keyword reach and attracts more organic traffic.

Reducing Content Decay

Over time, content can become outdated, leading to content decay. Updating content prevents your pages from becoming obsolete, ensuring their continued relevance.

Repurposing Content

Updating content allows you to repurpose it into different formats (e.g., infographics, videos, podcasts) or for different platforms (e.g., social media). This can help you reach a broader audience and drive more traffic.

Optimising for Search Engines

Content optimisation involves revising on-page elements, such as meta tags and headings, to align with current SEO best practices and search engine algorithms. This improves your content’s visibility in search results.

Attracting Backlinks

When you update content with new, valuable information, it becomes more link-worthy. High-quality backlinks from other websites can boost your SEO efforts.

Measuring Performance

Regularly updated content allows you to track performance over time. By analysing the effects of updates on rankings, traffic, and user engagement, you can fine-tune your SEO strategy.

Revisiting Keywords

As search trends change, so do keyword opportunities. Regular content updates enable you to identify new keywords and incorporate them into your content strategy.

In summary, regularly improving and updating your content is essential for staying competitive, addressing user intent, and maintaining your website’s authority and credibility. By demonstrating a commitment to providing the most accurate and relevant information, you can enhance your SEO performance and drive more organic traffic to your site.

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