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WordPress/Drupal Management

Setting up and Managing CMS Platforms like WordPress or Drupal

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up and managing a website using popular CMS platforms like WordPress or Drupal. These platforms offer a user-friendly interface, a vast array of themes, customisable plugins, and essential features to help you create and maintain your website. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Choose and Purchase a Domain and Web Hosting

  • Research and select a domain name that reflects your website’s purpose.
  • Choose a reliable web hosting provider and purchase a hosting plan suitable for your needs.

Step 2: Install the CMS Platform:

  • Log in to your hosting account’s control panel (cPanel) and locate the “Auto Installers” or “Softaculous” option.
  • Click on the respective CMS platform (WordPress or Drupal) and follow the installation prompts.
  • Enter your website’s name, desired username, password, and other required details.
  • Select an administrator theme or template if available.
  • Click the “Install” button, and your CMS platform will be installed.

Step 3: Configure Basic Settings:

  • Access your CMS platform’s admin panel by visiting “” (for WordPress) or “” (for Drupal).
  • Log in using the administrator credentials you set during installation.
  • Change the default username and password for improved security.
  • Explore the settings area and customise general options like site title, tagline, date format, and time sone.

Step 4: Choose and Install a Theme:

  • Visit the “Appearance” or “Themes” section in your CMS platform’s admin panel.
  • Browse the available themes and select one that suits the purpose and design of your website.
  • Click “Install” and then “Activate” to apply the chosen theme to your website.
  • Customise the theme’s settings, including colors, fonts, and layout options, if applicable.

Step 5: Install Essential Plugins:

  • Navigate to the “Plugins” section in the admin panel.
  • Search for and install plugins that add essential functionality to your website, such as SEO optimisation, security, contact forms, caching, and social media integration.
  • Activate the installed plugins and configure their settings as per your requirements.

Step 6: Create Pages and Menu Structure:

  • Visit the “Pages” section and create essential pages like Home, About, Services, and Contact.
  • Define the hierarchical structure by assigning parent and child pages to create dropdown menus.
  • Access the “Menus” section and create a primary navigation menu, dragging and dropping pages to define the desired order.
  • Assign the menu to the appropriate location, usually the primary menu area.

Step 7: Customise Content and Design:

  • Start adding content to your webpages using the built-in editor or page builders if available.
  • Format text, add images, embed videos, and use plugins to enhance the content.
  • Customise the website’s design, including header, footer, sidebar, and widgets, using the theme’s options or the CMS platform’s customisation features.

Step 8: Install and Configure Additional Plugins:

  • Keep adding plugins to enhance your website’s functionality, such as social media sharing, backup solutions, analytics, and e-commerce features.
  • Configure each plugin’s settings to align with your website’s requirements.

Step 9: Optimise for SEO and Performance:

  • Install an SEO plugin and optimise your website’s pages and posts for search engines.
  • Enable caching plugins to improve website speed and performance.
  • Optimise images by compressing them without compromising quality.
  • Create an XML sitemap and submit it to search engines for better indexing.

Step 10: Regularly Update and Maintain:

  • Keep your CMS platform, themes, and plugins up to date to ensure security and compatibility.
  • Backup your website regularly using the provided tools or plugins.
  • Monitor website performance, security, and analytics to make necessary improvements.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can set up and manage your website using CMS platforms like WordPress or Drupal. Remember to regularly update and maintain your website to ensure its smooth functioning and security.

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